String Crossing/Skipping

The previous video course in this series covered basic alternate picking. If you’ve successfully worked through this course, you should now be comfortable with the basic mechanics of this technique. Of course, not all basslines move neatly from string to string, and you won’t always have the luxury of starting on a new string with a downstroke. In fact, you will often be required to play only one note – or maybe three notes – per string, meaning that the next down or upstroke will occur on a different string. To become fluent with the plectrum it is very important to become comfortable crossing strings in this way. This video course is devoted to helping you do just that.

As you work through this material, you might find the following courses useful (all included in the monthly subscription cost):

Don’t forget to hit the Download Resources button above to get the PDF worksheet and audio files for this piece (available to subscribers only).

This course is 1 HOUR & 3 MINUTES long and contains the following videos, each of which can be selected from the video player above: